Struggle with you, remember the good | Derek’s birthday party for employees in October!


One's birthday, enjoy yourself;

Two’s birthday, warm and sweet;

Group’s birthday, extraordinary significance!

In the afternoon of October 27th, 2021, DRICK HR department carefully organized a collective birthday party for the employees in October. The nine birthday stars, accompanied by Drick’s family, spent a wonderful and unforgettable birthday together.


Struggle together  remember the good

Sing a birthday hymn

Taste a delicious cake

Beautiful links one after another


May birthday stars a new year

Be thin, beautiful and rich

The wishes made by the birthday stars

All can be achieved


TH Thanks to the
Thanks to the platform  Create beauty

Every birthday is a self-growth and transformation! The employee birthday party is the care and warmth that Drick gives to every employee. In the big family full of "love" in Drick, may every Drick employee can climb step by step towards their dreams and goals. May all Drick families gather together and study diligently, forge ahead, break the cocoon and become a butterfly!

Post time: Nov-18-2021